December 2024
Rabbi in Dubai
Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, a young Chabad Rabbi in Dubai was kidnapped and murdered last week.
Two years ago, on his wedding day, Tzvi wore the suit of his bride’s uncle, Chabad Rabbi Gabi Holtzberg, who was murdered by terrorists sixteen years ago in Mumbai.
As I leave to attend the International Conference of Chabad Rabbis, I know one thing. The Rebbe’s mission that he entrusted in our hands will always continue. Please join us by inspiring another Jew to do a mitzvah in his memory.
Despite the tragedies of Mumbai and Dubai, no one will stop us. Judaism will not only survive but will thrive.
November 2024
Society celebrates graduations. College graduations, High School graduations and even Preschool graduation!
In contrast, Judaism celebrates beginnings. A Bris & baby naming, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding -even a Torah party when children start learning Torah.
We are now coming from Simchat Torah, celebrating the reading of the Torah from the beginning.
Every morning, when you wake up, celebrate the beginning of a new day and the blessings that are awaiting you.
October 2024
A Turning Point
After a year of turmoil and aggravation since the Oct 7th attack, we are arriving to the New Year with hope and optimism for a better future for the Jewish people in general and Israel in particular.
In just ten days, the whole situation changed for the good. This must serve as a lesson that we should never despair and as it is written on the American dollar, In G‑d we trust.
May this year bring peace and security upon us and especially upon the people of Israel.
Shana Tova!
September 2024
Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li
The Hebrew and secular months, do not usually align, but for a change, this month of September happens to coincide with the Hebrew month of Elul; the month that leads us to the High Holiday.
The word Elul is an acronym and it stands for the famous line: Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li; I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me.
As we approach Rosh Hashana, we need to remember that during this month, G‑d is ‘courting’ the Jewish people and invites to come back and get closer to Him.
August 2024
America is obsessed with the astrologist that predicted the current political upheaval.
Judaism knows the power of astrology and many of the Talmudic Rabbi’s
studied astrology extensively.
But in the final analysis, Jewish people should not pay attention to astrology,
as it says in Jeremiah 10:2, “ .. Learn not the ways of the heathen; and be not be dismayed at the signs of the heavens…”
Ultimately, the Torah teaches us, that by doing a Mitzvah, we can change our
July 2024
The Ohel
On July 9th, the 30th Yarhtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, I will be in N.Y to visit his resting place, “The Ohel.”
It is an age-old tradition to pray at the gravesite of the righteous, asking them to beseech G‑d on our behalf. The Rebbe, who spent his entire life caring for each and every Jew, continues to do so afterlife as well.
Just as people put notes in the Kotel wall, so too thousands worldwide send personal letters and requests to be placed at the graveside. I will be happy to take a note for anyone that wishes – just drop it off at Solon Chabad.
June 2024
Don’t Argue – CONNECT!
Since Oct. 7th, many of us find ourselves arguing with our fellow Jews to defend Israel. We feel that if they would just know the facts, then they would change their mind.
But my friends, rarely will you meet someone that changed their mind because you proved to them that you are right. Very few people are ready to admit that they were wrong!
So what’s the alternative? Engage them in Jewish action – rituals that will strengthen their connection to their own heritage. The more they will be emotionally connected to Judaism, the better chances there are for them to feel the pain of our brethren in Israel.
Just give it a try.
May 2024
We Need Each Other
The chaos on the college campuses across the USA has brought the Oct 7th war to our doorpost.
In the past, some of us thought the war is not our problem – it is across the ocean. And there were others in Israel, who were of the opinion that antisemitism is a Diaspora issue. By now, we can agree that we are all in the same boat.
History has proven that the only way we can succeed and thrive is when we have each other’s back!
April 2024
New Torah for Hostage
It’s close to six months since the Oct 7 tragedy, and there are still hostages being held in Gaza. Solon Chabad will be writing a new Torah dedicated to all who lost their lives in the attack and for the safe return of the hostages.
Participating in the dedication of a new Torah brings extraordinary merit and
On April 19th we will inaugurate this historic journey and write the first words of the new Torah followed by a community Shabbat dinner.
Please join us!
March 2024
Tuition Free
The Albert Einstein College of Medicine just received 1 billion dollars – the largest gift ever given to a medical school in the U.S. The sole purpose was to create a tuition free school.
In Judaism, this concept is not new. The Talmud says, that just as G‑d taught the
Torah to the Jewish people for free, so too Moses taught the Jewish people for free and in turn, we too are expected to teach others for free.
In a perfect world, there would be no tuition in Jewish schools. Hopefully this gift will inspire others to make Jewish education tuition free as it was meant to be.
February 2024
Met at Sinai
Met at Sinai is not just the name of a dating site. It’s true for all of us. Jewish tradition tells us that every Jewish soul was present at Mount Sinai when G‑d gave the Ten Commandments to the Jewish people.
At Mount Sinai we became one family; one people. This explains our intrinsic
connection to each other. When we meet a Jew, a stranger from the other
end of the world, there is an instant bond, a connection – we are family.
Reading the news from Israel is not like a story that happens somewhere on the globe – it’s our brothers and sisters. It’s our story.
January 2024
Chazak Chazak
The last Shabbat of 2023 is the week that we complete the Book of Genesis in the Synagogue. There is an age old tradition that every time one of the Five Books of Moses are completed, the congregation calls out loud, “CHAZAK CHAZAK V’NITCHAZEK.”
The words translate to “Be Strong, Be Strong and we will be strengthened,” We remind ourselves that the teachings of the Torah give us strength to overcome any and all challenges.
During these unsettling times, let us remind each other: Chazak Chazak V’nitchazek!